Some of my favorite treats.
Watercolor, pen and white ink
Trying to find my style has been a long and expensive process but I am pretty positive I know what I would like to do with my art and what medium is my go to medium. I know I am still in my baby years of getting started but I know I can make this happen. Honestly this surgery was a blessing, I was able to teach myself to create pretty much everyday and post at least every couple of days.
I have also decided that I am going to challenge myself. First, it is time to get all my social media up to date, I know I could be missing out on valuable opportunities and I have 1 full week to get this done before I have to go back to the regular 9-5. Second, I will be participating in World Watercolor month that starts in July and was created by our fellow artist and blogger Charlie O'Shields (World Watercolor Month July 2016 Trailer). Third, I will be participating in Inktober this year. So it will be creatively busy and looking forward to it. I have all my supplies either here or on their way.
I would be interested in connecting with others that are on the same creative journey as myself or who have successfully went through this Journey. I would love to get feed back on what the good, the bad and the ugly. Please leave a comment or contact me through my "contact page."