With so much going on I have been a little slow in posting, We moved in March and also found out that I had a large mass in my belly. The mass was a Ovarian cyst, thankfully I was able to get this removed last week and everything was fine. So this has freed up some time for me to focus on me and my art. Of course I have to take things a little slow for now so I am not pushing myself to hard but I am getting a little stir crazy (I can't even drive).
So this leads me to what I have been thinking about for the past 4 days, What do I want to do with my art? Well, I would like to learn new techniques and try new things. I have been subscribed to "Skillshare" for a few years now and I find that there are a lot of helpful classes, more then just art. Definitely worth checking out.
I recently enrolled in a class by Ana Victoria CalderĆ³n, in this class she was teaching about negative space with three different techniques, I did two of them with planes to finish the third:
The negative space in this one was done with Masking fluid
The Negative space in this one was done with Pulse and Precision (basically just making sure I don't paint in the white area.
The third Technique is to you white ink or paint to create the negative space
This is not a perfect circle but you get the idea, this is a watercolor background with the white ink adding the negative space. I used the Ph Martin white ink but I think I will probably pick up the Copic Opaque white ink, apparently it should work better because it is concentrated.
The moral of this post, "Try new things and keep on learning."