Yes, I did another one, I love doing these trees. When something is not coming to mind they are my perfect fix. I went on a website last week and saw what one of them would look like on a pillow, phone case and iPad case, even a t-shirt and it looked good, I have also thought about turning some of these into journal covers, again I am not sure where to start. I would like to take this a little further but I am confused about the whole copyright and licensing part of all of this. I think it is time to sit down and do a little more research and reading. If there is anyone out there that can help point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
I feel I have finally found my niche, I love to tangle and I have fallen for watercolors and gouache, the are unpredictable, that is what I love the most about them. As I am typing out this post I am thinking of my next project. The thing with tangling is it is a process, it is time consuming. I can sit down and start working on one and lose track of time. It is a wonderful escape, tangling has been my little life saver. Things at the J-O-B have been less then satisfying and I find myself trying to find a different one. Only problem, there is nothing else I want to do except art. So the question is, do I stay and be miserable while I work toward my dream or do I try to find something new and hopefully the move would be worth it and work toward my dream? the million dollar question.